‘My eyes are burning’: Delhi holds half marathon despite pollution warning

Around 35,000 brave runners signed up for the race after more than a week of harmful contamination levels Tens of countless runners Sunday choked through smog for the Delhi half marathon, disregarding alarming health cautions from medical professionals who defended the questionable race in the greatly contaminated capital to be...
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‘Half my lung cancer patients are non-smokers’: toxic air crisis chokes Delhi

Pollution not just affecting peoples health but also Indias political leadership, with Modi appearing reluctant to head response As the air quality fell, first to severe, then to emergency levels this week, doctors at Sir Ganga Ram hospital knew they needed to start fast-tracking patients. They come in, they get...
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Delhi doctors declare pollution emergency as smog chokes city

Levels of air-borne contaminants are off the scale in parts of Indias capital with results compared to smoking cigarettes 50 cigarettes a day A public health emergency situation has actually been stated by physicians in Delhi as air quality on the planet’s most contaminated capital city plunged to levels compared...
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