Death row inmate too sick to be executed, lawyers say

Ohio Gov. John Kasich, a Republican, will choose the fate of death row prisoner Alva Campbell. Kasich is seen in Columbus, Ohio, July 21, 2015. (Getty Images) Campbell remained in a wheelchair feigning paralysis when he subdued a Franklin County constable’s deputy en route to a court hearing on April...
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The psychology of gold and why it has that allure

(CNN)When you think about the color gold, pictures of magnificence and overindulgence are most likely to come to mind. Human vision can discriminate countless colors, however it can discriminate trillions of chromatures– colored textures, stated Donald Hoffman, teacher of cognitive science at University of California, Irvine. “It is the chromature...
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How to break carb cravings, once and for all

(CNN)If you’re like lots of people I understand, the idea of quiting pasta and bread in an effort to shed a couple of pounds (or more) may appear like an unjust penalty– possibly even a tease, particularly when those foods appear to be on everybody else’s plates. What’s more, consuming...
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Ten times more children and teens obese today than 40 years ago

(CNN)The variety of overweight kids and teenagers increased to 124 million in 2016– more than 10 times greater than the 11 million categorized as overweight 40 years back, in 1975. Looking at the more comprehensive photo, this corresponded to approximately 5.6% of women and 7.8% of kids being overweight in...
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Dogs Sleeping In Your Bed Might Not Be Good For Your Health

They’ re our friends and, on the majority of events, we put on’ t desire them from our sight. For a few of us, this consists of when we’re sleeping. “ Most individuals presume having animals in the bed room is a disturbance,” states Lois Krahn, a sleep medication professional...
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Tom Hanks: Ive made a lot of movies that didnt make sense or money

In the downtime between movies, Tom Hanks has written his first collection of short stories. He talks books, regrets, Hollywood egos and fat astronauts This is odd, Tom Hanks says with a shake of his shoulders, the international sign of limbering up. We are in a photographers studio in LA,...
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Why single payer health care is a terrible option

(CNN)The Affordable Care Act (ACA) is stopping working. Without regard for repercussions, the law broadened federal government insurance coverage programs and enforced substantial federal authority over United States healthcare through brand-new requireds, taxes and guidelines. Insurance coverage premiums increased even as deductibles increased; customer options of insurance coverage on state...
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Thousands without power after Ophelia

Media playback is unsupported on your gadget Media caption High winds triggered damage throughout Ireland Schools are closed and numerous countless individuals stay without electrical energy in Ireland after Ophelia damaged the British Isles. All schools in Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland stay closed for a 2nd day...
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Convicted sex offender suing Big Tobacco for $50M, report says

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Nobel prize for medicine awarded for insights into internal biological clock

825,000 reward shared in between American researchers Jeffrey C Hall, Michael Rosbash and Michael W Young for deal with the biological rhythm of living organismsLive response to medication Nobel reward statement The Nobel reward in physiology or medication has actually been granted to a trio of American researchers for their...
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