A couple who died of bubonic plague were mocked online. Then, a biologist showed up to shut it down with cold, hard science.

Earlier this year, a couple from Mongolia died of bubonic plague after consuming the organs of raw marmot. They believed the action would bring them good health. While that may sound strange, according to the World Health Organization, the eating of rodent meat is considered a folk remedy in the...
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Jameela Jamil just called out Khloe Kardashian for promoting dangerous beauty standards.

What you see isn’t always what you get, especially on Instagram. Celebrities who post fit photos of themselves while shilling diet products did not get that way because of the diet product. When celebrities ignore the fact they got into shape with the help of personal trainers, healthy eating, and...
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A husband caring for his sick wife and 3 other stories on what caregiving is really like.

Being a caregiver is one of the hardest jobs in the world. Photo by Jaddy Liu on Unsplash Whether it’s your profession, calling, or you’re rising to the challenge for a loved one, there’s no denying that taking care of another person full-time is an important and often unsung job....
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